Starship Troopers Fanfic Idea
I’ve got an idea for Starship Troopers fan fiction. I’m giving it away, for free! You can have it!
I’ve got an idea for Starship Troopers fan fiction. I’m giving it away, for free! You can have it!
Here’s a video (youtube of course) review of both Starship Troopers the movie, and Starship Troopers the book.
It’s long, but worth it.
A guest post from long-time reader and friend of this blog Henry. Henry finds Heinlein’s “moral philsosophy” might be a product of Heinlein’s own education and life experience.
Previous “moral philosophy” post.
Henry writes:
More on Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein’s 1959 handbook of civics and military organization.
I’ve been reading science fiction for a long time, since maybe second grade, circa 1968. I believe that the first sci fi book I read was Lester Del Rey’s Mission to the Moon, but that’s for another day
One of my favorite books is Robert A. Heinlein’s 1959 Starship Troopers