


Bruce Ediger

Ammonites, Neal Monks and Philip Palmer, 2002, Smithsonian Institution Press
ISBN 1-58834-024-4

When Life Almost Died

When Life Almost Died

Bruce Ediger

An interesting popular geology and paleontology book. Long, but it has a lot of great ideas, I recommend reading it.

Oviraptor reconstructions

Oviraptor reconstructions

Bruce Ediger

This is a 60-year-old reconstruction of an Oviraptor, from Discovering Dinosaurs, by Glenn O Blough, pictures by Gustav Schrotter, copyright 1960 by Glenn O. Blough. Library of Congress Card Catalog Number 60-8020, Weekly Reader Paperback Book Club edition published by arrangements with McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY.

Dinosaur Image

Dinosaur Image

Bruce Ediger

I believe this is the picture that got me interested in dinosaurs, and from dinosaurs, I became interested in paleontology.