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Bruce Ediger

As I’ve written before, now that I’ve retired, I can devote time to my hobbies. I’ve set up a “home lab”, what we home computer enthusiasts call our computer and router setups. This is different than gamer’s “rigs”, in that a “server” is required, and it’s not allowed to have disturbingly-illuminated keyboards and cases. The aesthetic is completely different.

We often try to emulate corporate data centers by purchasing depreciated business-class machines from refurbishers.

Here’s my homelab:


Bruce Ediger

A museum you should visit

cosmosphere squashed penny

If you’re in or near Hutchinson, KS, you should visit the Cosmosphere. Heck, if you’re in Wichita, you should visit the Cosmosphere. It’s that good.

2 Transistor LED Flasher

2 Transistor LED Flasher

Bruce Ediger

In an attempt to gain some electronics knowledge, I bought $30 worth of components and breadboards from Amazon, and built a 2-transistor LED flasher.

Some Truly Awful Sudoku

Bruce Ediger

United Launch Alliance, an aerospace industry roll-up of General Dynamics Atlas, Martin Marietta Titan and McDonnell Douglas Delta launch vehicle divisions, put out this incredibly awful set of 9 Sudoku puzzles on Twitter. The purpose was to whip up enthusiasm for the 2021-09-21 launch of Landsat 9.

9 poorly composed Sudoku puzzles

Raymond Smullyan's Knights and Knaves

Bruce Ediger

Raymond Smullyan, my favorite mathematician, posed a large number of questions involving the Isle of Knights and Knaves. Inhabitants are either knights, who always tell the truth, or knaves, who always tell falsehoods.

One of the best Knight and Knave problems is Og and Bog from Smullyan’s book Logical Labyrinths

Og and Bog are brothers living on the Isle of Knights and Knaves, and one of them is the chief.

  • Og says: Bog is the chief and he is a knave!
  • Bog says: Og is not the chief, but he is a knight.

Which one is the chief?

Daily Coding Problem

Daily Coding Problem

Bruce Ediger

There’s at least two things that one might conflate under the “Daily Coding Problem” rubric:

They’re related, as the book is a byproduct of the success of the email list. Both are deficient, but for different reasons

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery

Bruce Ediger

A Museum You Should Visit

If you’ve got kids, and you’re in Fort Collins, CO, you should visit Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. There’s a large amount of really amazing exhibits good for kids from about 2 to 13. There are some decent northern Colorado exhibits for older kids and adults, but the emphasis is on youngsters.