Programming Languages
Sometime when I was in 7th grade, at Ophelia Parrish Junior High school, a couple of guys that I knew showed me Northeast Missouri State University’s teletypes.
When Life Almost Died
An interesting popular geology and paleontology book. Long, but it has a lot of great ideas, I recommend reading it.
Cryptoquip Typo
I think I found a typo in a Cryptoquip.
MASH - A novel about three army doctors
Like every good late Baby Boomer, I watched many episodes of the Tee Vee show M*A*S*H. But I hadn’t read the book.
NTP time from GPS
I found a blog post about Millisecond accurate Chrony NTP with a USB GPS for $12 USD.
Wow! I’ve had an interest in NTP since about 1994, when I had to prove that a system my (somewhat shady) employers were selling to an NSA cut-out could synchronize to an NTP server.
My Pet Dobby
I got a Roomba robovac a few months ago, partly because I hate vacuuming, partly because I grew up in the 1960s, when we would have vacations on Mars by 2025, and robot maids and butlers would take care of us.
Astable Multivibrator 3
I rebuilt my original astable multivibrator with the 2N3904, transistors, better matched capacitors and 10K and 68K Ω resistors from the improved astable multivibrator I wanted to see if that made a difference in the original circuit’s behavior.
Spammer Theory
My theory about email spammers.