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My Infinite Website

My Infinite Website

Bruce Ediger

I have a grudge against spammers, SEO, and similar low-lifes. When and where I run Internet-facing web servers, I send “SEO search engines” down an infinite rabbit hole of web pages and images.

Flavored Triangles

Flavored Triangles

Bruce Ediger

This is from a package of “Tostitos” brand corn chips, “Hint of Lime Flavor”.

Harvest Cheddar

Harvest Cheddar

Bruce Ediger

Every autumn, cheese farmers rise before the sun, and work until well after sunset, to gather in their bounty of cheddar!

Peter Graves

Peter Graves

Bruce Ediger

Circa 1970, I read a large number of grade school reading books. One of them had a story in it about a boy who performed various athletic feats. The passage I remember from this book was the boy’s manager saying that his diet was rich in iron, and the boy was getting a part-time job as an anchor.



Bruce Ediger

I took this picture on Drake Ave in Fort Collins. I was afraid to try to decipher the runes for fear of finding out there were some god damn neo-nazis in my neighborhood.