My Infinite Website
I have a grudge against spammers, SEO, and similar low-lifes. When and where I run Internet-facing web servers, I send “SEO search engines” down an infinite rabbit hole of web pages and images.
I have a grudge against spammers, SEO, and similar low-lifes. When and where I run Internet-facing web servers, I send “SEO search engines” down an infinite rabbit hole of web pages and images.
Hot Springs, South Dakota has a unique museum, The Mammoth Site. If you’re anywhere near South Dakota’s Black Hills, The Mammoth Site is worth a stop.
This is from a package of “Tostitos” brand corn chips, “Hint of Lime Flavor”.
The Problem of Space Travel, by Hermann Noordung, is a good book.
Every autumn, cheese farmers rise before the sun, and work until well after sunset, to gather in their bounty of cheddar!
I watched a YouTube video that gave a great definition of the Engineering Method.
Circa 1970, I read a large number of grade school reading books. One of them had a story in it about a boy who performed various athletic feats. The passage I remember from this book was the boy’s manager saying that his diet was rich in iron, and the boy was getting a part-time job as an anchor.
Paleontogical reconstructions evolve over time.
I took this picture on Drake Ave in Fort Collins. I was afraid to try to decipher the runes for fear of finding out there were some god damn neo-nazis in my neighborhood.