Wordle, March 1, 2024
I solved Wordle™ brand video game, puzzle number 986 without computerized help, but I made a silly 3rd guess. I wondered if the solution word was the only word available after my fourth guess.
I solved Wordle™ brand video game, puzzle number 986 without computerized help, but I made a silly 3rd guess. I wondered if the solution word was the only word available after my fourth guess.
I bought a Qotom Q20332G9-S10 fanless server, which I hope will eventually replace my older Dell PowerEdge R530, which was manufactured in August - December of 2014.
This started me on a journey of discovery that I could scarcely have imagined six months ago.
I updated my laptop, which runs the simple, lightweight Arch Linux distro. I did not note the low battery reading.
Here’s convincing proof we live in a Fallen World.
I felt pretty happy getting this wordle in 4 guesses, as you can see. But how good was my 4th guess?
Optimal Smurfing in English and Greek Catherine Chatzopoulos, 2008, University of Chicago, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
I found a PDF version of the paper.
A programming interview question from the Daily Coding Problem email list. Here’s a non-hand-wavy explanation of a way to solve this problem.
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #736 [Easy]
Given a complete binary tree, count the number of nodes in faster than O(n) time. Recall that a complete binary tree has every level filled except the last, and the nodes in the last level are filled starting from the left. “Complete” means: every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes at the last level h.
If you’re ever near Rapid City, SD, you should visit the Reptile Gardens.
I solved Wordle 959 without help, my streak is now 97. I see another opportunity to write a large regular expression that could get the answer.