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Downgrading OpenWrt on WRT3200ACM

Downgrading OpenWrt on WRT3200ACM

Bruce Ediger

After I upgraded to OpenWrt 23.05.3, my Linksys WRT3200ACM WiFi router seems to interact poorly with my Dell E7470 laptop. It takes many tens of seconds for that laptop to acquire an IPv4 address via DHCP.

I decided to downgrade OpenWrt Linux on the router from 23.05.3 to 19.07.10. I believe it was running 19.07 before I started on my sysadmin journey of switching to a new server.

Chrony NTP Server

Chrony NTP Server

Bruce Ediger

I’ve had an interest in accurate timekeeping and NTP, the Network Time Protocol for quite a while.

At one time or another over the years, I’ve run the original ntpd, xntpd, and OpenNTPD. I currently have the chrony NTP server running on my old server, to aggregate NTP needs on my home network.

Had a good experience with Debian

Had a good experience with Debian

Bruce Ediger

I had been hosting this blog on a $5 a month VPS from Host the Best, but they have been shut down by the data center they’re renting from. Host the Best is apparently not dealing with abusive customers effectively.

There’s no projected service restoration date.

wc -l

wc -l

Bruce Ediger

Unix, and now Linux, have included a wc command for a very long time. Most explanations of its use are misleading fluff and garbage, and do not give you an appreciation of its true value.