Peppernuts Haul 2024
Another big peppernut haul! This is a 6 cup of flour, full recipe.
Another big peppernut haul! This is a 6 cup of flour, full recipe.
I missed posting about 2024 3rd Quarter Winnings, so I’m including it in my year-end lottery wrap up.
I was helping clean the laundry room. I found this weird little certificate of conformity from a pack of KN95 face masks.
Even though the abstract includes the word “iconic”, I recommend an article from Nature, Uniquely preserved gut contents illuminate trilobite palaeophysiology,
I read a pre-print of a paper, The origin and early evolution of arthropods,
I accumulated a quart jar of US coins, legal tender for all debts public and private.
I turned the coins into paper currency at a “Coinstar” vending machine in a Safeway grocery store.
I decided to upgrade my OpenWrt One WiFi router.
I bought an OpenWrt One WiFi router from “Bipai Corp”, via AliExpress.
The list price was $89, I got it for $109 with shipping from China.
Trilobite: Eyewitness to Evolution
Richard Fortey, 2001, ISBN 978-0375706219